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Amanda Zusak
Amanda Zusak
NAME Amanda Zusak
OCCUPATION Administration
GROUP NAME Summit Soul Shakers
I live in Berridale, with my four children, Alyssa, Nic, Kris and Tahlia and husband Rob and four fur babies, three puppies Kora, Charli and Bailey and our horse Cooey.
Born and raised in southern Sydney, keen skiers and love of the Snowy Mountains, Rob, Alyssa and I moved to the Snowies in 2001, for a year and 23 years later the Snowies has become our home.
I love the mountain life, hiking, boating, skiing and watching my kids play their sports.
I love to dance! Whenever I hear music I’m tapping my feet!
Firstly, can I say what a privilege it was to be nominated to participate in such a worthy cause.
The work that the mcCr does in raising awareness and funds is formidable.
I can’t wait to help raise more funds.
Monaro Committee for Cancer Research Incorporated
The Monaro Committee for Cancer Research was formed in 1996 by the daughter of a young Monaro mother who after a 5 year struggle lost her battle with cancer. Since its inception the mcCr has supported cancer outreach services on Snowy Monaro. In 2007 after much lobbying, a local oncology service was introduced to the Cooma Hospital. Local support raised in excess of $100,000 towards this project and today we have a successful outreach oncology service. mcCr is a local voluntary group of dedicated women working towards further cancer support and services for the Snowy Monaro Region.Your support will enable mcCr to continue this assistance for cancer sufferers.