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Jo Rolfe

Jo Rolfe

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Jo Rolfe


NAME  Joanne Rolfe

OCCUPATION  Grazier, RN & Mental Health Professional in a former life

GROUP NAME  Wanna Funk

 I am grateful for a wonderful family, 3 awesome grown-up kids, 3 beautiful grandkids and feel more than blessed to live and work on our family farm with my husband Rolfey. I love enthusiastic people, photography, music and dance, hate bookwork and gardening – would rather eat worms! I miss my Mum and Dad every day and think often about absent friends. I am passionate about all things Monaro but also love the water and enjoy the beach and pool whenever I can. My aspirations are to – be a great Nanna, have meaningful friendships, travel more, master some form of artwork, keep strong and healthy, push a boundary or two and live an authentic, wholehearted life.

So chuffed to be invited to be a part of this event – MCCR's reputation for orchestrating amazing and successful fundraising events in the Monaro community is indelible- the service provided by MCCR to community in support of Cancer patients and their families fills a huge space in locals hearts- not too many remain untouched by the reaches of Cancer. Personally, I have witnessed the impact of Cancer on so many, inclusive of family and friends, as well as the load on public resources which there is never enough of.

I am honoured to be a part of this production, and feel it is such a unique and special opportunity. On a lighter note: the chance to dance and clown around on stage with a fabulous group of like-minded people is a no brainer- Yay, thinking this will be a lot of fun and hoping I can count on some major support from friends and family in this effort for ongoing support for MCCR

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Activity Summary

Donate to make a difference

Monaro Committee for Cancer Research Incorporated

The Monaro Committee for Cancer Research was formed in 1996 by the daughter of a young Monaro mother who after a 5 year struggle lost her battle with cancer. Since its inception the mcCr has supported cancer outreach services on Snowy Monaro. In 2007 after much lobbying, a local oncology service was introduced to the Cooma Hospital. Local support raised in excess of $100,000 towards this project and today we have a successful outreach oncology service. mcCr is a local voluntary group of dedicated women working towards further cancer support and services for the Snowy Monaro Region.Your support will enable mcCr to continue this assistance for cancer sufferers.

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