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Kate Litchfield

Kate Litchfield

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Kate Litchfield


NAME  Kate Litchfield

OCCUPATION  Director of Gordon Litchfield Wool alongside my husband Gordon, overseeing the financial side of our business as well as ensuring our team and clients needs are catered for.

GROUP NAME  Le Freak Show

I am very involved running our family business with my husband Gordon and just as important a proud mum of our two gorgeous grown up boys Jock and Simon. After working in the hotel game in Sydney, I never thought I would be involved in a wool broking business. My time out is escaping to my garden! It’s my little slice of paradise and keeps me very busy.

Your support for me as a STAR means the world to me, as I am absolutely TERRIFIED!

I am honoured to lend my support to MCCR as a dancing STAR for Hot City Disco. Having been involved with mcCr in the past I understand the importance of rallying together as a community to improve cancer care on the Monaro.

Gordon was one of the original stars in 2010 and now is my turn to give back to our amazing community. mcCr has supported so many people in our community and every contribution counts towards making meaningful advancements in healthcare. By supporting this cause, we’re not just raising funds; we’re fostering hope and solidarity, ensuring that everyone in our community has access to the care and support they need during challenging times. Together we can make a real difference in the lives of those affected by cancer in our area.

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Activity Summary

Donate to make a difference

Monaro Committee for Cancer Research Incorporated

The Monaro Committee for Cancer Research was formed in 1996 by the daughter of a young Monaro mother who after a 5 year struggle lost her battle with cancer. Since its inception the mcCr has supported cancer outreach services on Snowy Monaro. In 2007 after much lobbying, a local oncology service was introduced to the Cooma Hospital. Local support raised in excess of $100,000 towards this project and today we have a successful outreach oncology service. mcCr is a local voluntary group of dedicated women working towards further cancer support and services for the Snowy Monaro Region.Your support will enable mcCr to continue this assistance for cancer sufferers.

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